
About Green RootsNursery

Here at Green Roots Early Learning Centre, we design every day to give your child the opportunity to learn, grow and experience the world. At Green Roots, our teaching style and learning programs are tailored to suit every child’s stage of development. With a focus on cultivating a love of learning, we aim to promote positive learning outcomes for all children to support their unique potential. We embrace the environment and sustainability as a core part of our philosophy. Through our curriculum and the use of high-quality sustainable materials, we recognise the important role we play in guiding our children to protect and cherish their natural world for all to enjoy, now and into the future.

We have specific learning outcomes for Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers and Foundation Stage 1 and 2 children provided by experienced and qualified early childhood teachers and educators. We comply with the curriculum requirements of the British Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. Our educators use this framework for developing learning journeys that deliver high-quality play-based educational experiences as well as foundational skills for everyday life. Our learning journeys nurture children through their crucial years with care, encouragement and respect for who they are. This philosophy enables our children to step into the wider world with curiosity, confidence and a life-long desire to learn.


Education to

Our trained educators provide a developing curriculum that focuses on all areas of development. Children are empowered to try out new things on a daily basis as they progress through developmental milestones during this time of incredible growth in their lives. Our educators are eager to support the process, and to share the achievements of each child with their family as they reach those milestones.

Inspiring Natural Curiosity

We believe that play is the highest form of research! We build our curriculum around learning through play to help build confidence, resilience and curiosity. With our beautiful classrooms and natural resources, we welcome nature to help guide our experiences and build a connection between the natural world and the children.

Caring and

We believe that each child is unique. We aim to maximise every child’s development by enriching their learning experiences as they explore, investigate and interact with their friends, educators and the environment. We work to create an emotionally responsive setting, where children learn respect for their individual and cultural similarities as well as to celebrate the differences that make us a rich, diverse cultural community