Toddlers (1-2 years)
The first few years of a child’s life are the most formative years. It is a time when children effortlessly absorb concepts and habits. It is also the period when roots for a love of learning are established. In the Toddlers classroom, children will be exposed to age appropriate materials that stimulate the absorbent mind and encourage natural curiosity. The Toddlers classroom bridges the gap between infancy and full toddler independence, where the child learns how to care for and express themselves more sufficiently. Here, we foster self help skills, initiative, exploration, confidence and mastery of routine. Toddlers spend their time exploring a variety of basic lesson materials in all areas, to facilitate both large and small motor development as well as lots of sensory exposure! Early language, mathematics, and science are also explored through use of concrete materials and investigations in nature! Our toddlers initiate and propel their learning at their own unique pace and timing, in eventual preparation for the Preschool Stage.